The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138028   Message #3159146
Posted By: Rob Naylor
23-May-11 - 10:05 AM
Thread Name: What exactly does 'Sing in your own voice' mean?
Subject: RE: What exactly does 'Sing in your own voice' mean?
When I sing, eg, "Banks of the Sweet Primroses" I do it in my "normal speaking accent" which, over the years, has become quite neutral (though some people can hear a northern twang in it still) as a result of living in the South of England, Norway and France and working a lot in Africa, the Middle East and Far East.

However, when I sing "Ilkla Moor Baht 'At" I revert to the West Riding accent I was brought up speaking, and lay it on even more thickly than I would have done at the time.

And I'm afraid I just *cringe* when I hear "The Dalesman's Litany/ Lament" sung here in the south east with the Hs pronounced in "Hull and Halifax and Hell". It just HAS to be " 'Ull and 'Alifax and 'Ell", for me:-)