The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136495   Message #3160400
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
25-May-11 - 01:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bombing of Tripoli March-April, 2011
Subject: RE: BS: Bombing of Tripoli March-April, 2011
Not exactly on topic, but related, and for some silly biased based reason no one started a thread about this, but, Benjamin Natanyahu's speeches to AIPAC, and the Congress, kicked butt!!...It was nice to see a LEADER, instead of the spin machine, for the international bankers, for a change!!..Someone even asked, "Are you sure YOU don't have a birth certificate in Hawaii?"
He blew Obama's shit out of the water...and BOTH sides of Congress acknowledged it, including that slime-sucker Reid!!...and getting 29 standing ovations from both parties...> Here's a c/p from ABC 'news':

Today, ABC News' Jonathan Karl described Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to Congress as seeming like a "State of the Union address by a president with sky-high approval ratings" due in part to the numerous standing ovations the foreign leader received. This apparently gave Karl an idea. He went back and counted the number of applause breaks and compared it to the amount President Obama got during his last actual SOTU address. Guess who got more?

Oh. I guess the headline kind of gives the answer away. Oh well.

Yes, Netanyahu received 29 applause breaks compared to Obama's paltry 25. This proves one thing; going to these things must be exhausting. Up, down. Up, down. If they had a big address like this everyday, everyone in Congress would look like Aaron Schock.

From ABC News:

    "One of his biggest applause lines was aimed directly at President Obama.

    'Israel will not return to the indefensible boundaries of 1967,' Netanyahu said, prompting a big standing ovation.

    Later he added: 'Israel on the 1967 lines would be only 9 miles wide. So much for defensible borders.'"