The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138086   Message #3160487
Posted By: Little Hawk
25-May-11 - 03:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Rapture News: Camping says 'Oops'
Subject: RE: BS: Rapture News: Camping says 'Oops'
You are asking questions, frogprince, which can only be answered (for you) by YOUR own direct experience.

If one has any kind of direct experience, one then has confidence in having had that experience (whether it's a "religious" experience or any other type of experience). To express that confidence is NOT to assume some kind of implied superiority over other people, and need not be interpreted as such. It does not imply "greater wisdom". It's simply an honest statement of having had one's own experience, period. Other people need not conform to it, they are not bound by it, and they need not react in a hostive fashion against it.

A good way to maintain peace of mind is not to be bothered by the fact that many other people don't happen to believe the things you believe...or disbelieve the things you disbelieve.

Why should they believe what you believe? And why should you believe what they believe? People will always have a great variety of differing beliefs, it's inevitable that they will, it makes for an interesting world, and that's just fine with me, because that's life.    Life is made beautiful by variety, NOT by either your view or mine or someone else's.