The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138086   Message #3160514
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
25-May-11 - 04:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Rapture News: Camping says 'Oops'
Subject: RE: BS: Rapture News: Camping says 'Oops'
froggers: "Ok, so what does that statement mean in real life?
Which of us gets to define a REAL experience with God, or discredit what someone else feels is real?"

You'd know, if you had one...just if your life depended on it...then you wouldn't be asking me, to interpret it for you....and then accusing me of trying to do it!~.....but if you get an answer..DON'T IGNORE IT!....or write it off...but then again, once you do, you can't. Sorry if I couldn't give you an answer to pick apart..but then again, I'm not sorry!

Many of us have experiences with God every day..but were blinded by our selfish little world, and once you've had that experience, it WON'T fit into that personal self-absorbed little world.

You can take my word for it, or get your own!


P.S. You might even get a new sense of humor, as well!