The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138086   Message #3160552
Posted By: GUEST,Lighter
25-May-11 - 06:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Rapture News: Camping says 'Oops'
Subject: RE: BS: Rapture News: Camping says 'Oops'
I'm fascinated by the idea that these experiences are "unmistakable" but that so few people seem to have them.

Doesn't an unmistakable, divinely inspired experience violate one's free will to choose wrong?

If not, why doesn't everybody have them? Why are some chosen, only to be widely regarded as deluded?

And why is, say, the Pope's experience so different from a devout Muslim's or Jew's?

Or is it that some of the above only *think* they've had an unmistakable personal experience?

But if that's true, then no such experience is really "unmistakable" and we're back where we started.