The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #50946   Message #3161589
Posted By: Bill D
27-May-11 - 10:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Spanking new Nigerian Scam GREAT ONE! (2002)
Subject: RE: BS: Spanking new Nigerian Scam GREAT ONE! (2002)
You guys ain't heard nothin'! I got a phone call yesterday from 'someone' with a very thick African accent....he mumbled something about a 'cashier's check' and 'prize' and asked me something, all the while assuring me that his was a 'reputable company'.
   When I allowed as how I had entered no contest and was sure I had one no prizes, he asked "How you think then I have your name & phone #?"
I laughed and told him how people get such names...and I hung up on him. So help me, he called BACK! He could not believe I didn't want my prize! I still could barely understand him, and said that IF there was someone who spoke better English at his "company", they should call.
So help me, someone with a 'slightly' better Nigerian-sounding accent called back! I asked him what this was...he said I had indeed won this money, and would I be home today so "his boys" could deliver my check.
I asked how much the check was for and where HE was..........."California" and "$87,000".... I explained that *I* wasn't born yesterday and that NO ONE would be offering me $87,000 using a company staffed by people who spoke bad English and calling from California....I finally told him *I* was hanging up, and they were NOT to call me back!

In the hour afterward, I thought of 3-4 things I should have done...including saying "come on over" and having the police waiting....