The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138168   Message #3161771
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
28-May-11 - 12:29 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Bushranger Jack Power
from Warren Fahey's website -

Bushranger Jack Power

SOURCE: photocopy held by the Melbourne Argus, dated 19th August 1950
TUNE: Erin Go Bragh

Site Source: Section 5. Crime and Corruption


On the 8th day of May, in the year 69
On a lovely spring morning, the weather 'being fine
A bolter from Pentridge, Jack Power by name
An aspirant for the gallows to Beechworth he came

Well armed, well mounted, the troops for his foes
To a scrub for concealment the highway man goes
From Beechworth to the Buckland and on the highway
Run Cobb & Co coaches by night & by day

Early one morning the outlaw approach'd
Towards Bowman's forest and he held up a coach
He held up two draymen and a new saddle stole
And a horse, and coach wheeler, it's true bless me soul

He met with a trooper near the small town of Yea
Good morning Sir Trooper my orders obey
Hand here that revolver or if you refuse
You must fight or deliver - pray which do you choose?

The trooper surrender'd his horse and his arms
Then hasten'd to Yea town to give the alarm
"Farewell "shouts the rover "This revolver's my sheild
To the traps or the gallows I never will yield."

We may sing of young Gilbert, Dan Morgan, Ben Hall
But the bold reckless robber surpasses them all
The pluck that is in him is beyond all belief
A daring young highwayman, a professional thief.