The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138126   Message #3162330
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
29-May-11 - 07:25 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Sly Mongoose
Subject: Lyr. Add: RUN MONGOOSE
Morwen, below is a similar version of the song, set out in the form that is preferred here, for easier 'harvest' if it is deemed worthy of putting into the DT, the repository of songs at mudcat.

Lyr. Add: Run Mongoose

Run Mongoose, yu name gone abroad
Run mongoose, yu name gone abroad.

Mongoose, go in a *Bedward kitchen
Tek out one a him righteous chicken
Put in a him waistcoat pocket
Slide Mongoose.
Mongoose tek up a half-a-brick
Bedward tek up a piece a stick
Mongoose say if you lick I slip you
*Slide Mongoose.
Mongoose say him like rice an' pumpkin,
Bedward say him like cornmeal dumplin',
Mongoose say you no know good something
*Slide mongoose.
Bedward draw a six-shooter gun,
Mongoose tek up a pint a rum.
Bedward halla: Lord, watch de fun.
*We all gone in.
Mongoose say him a *Backra man
Bedward say you a *red-Ibo man,
Mongoose say: look *how 'im 'tan'!
Slide Mongoose
Mongoose go in a Palace Theatre
Swear to king him a operator
Willy-Willy say come back later.

Slide- sly? Or is their rather slithery movement meant?
Bedward- cult leader who led a fanatical outburst of Revivalism.
We all gone in- trouble brewing.
Backra- boss man.
red-Ibo- fairer skin than most central Africans, like Ibo tribesmen.
how....- look at him.

From "Jamaican Folk Songs," Selections by the Frats Quintet of Jamaica. Edited by Edward Seaga. Insert in 1955 LP.

Copied from

(Digression- The mongoose was introduced into Hawai'i to control rats in sugar cane, but is wreaking havoc among native bird species and has proven of little use in rat control. Its value in the Caribbean is doubtful.)

(Suggestion- Not much point in refreshing a thread more than once in 24 hours. Many mudcat users only check in once a day or less often then that.)