The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138198   Message #3163252
Posted By: Greg F.
31-May-11 - 03:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: How can DNA convict a person?
Subject: RE: BS: How can DNA convict a person?
Is anyone here in favour of a National DNA Register? (ie everyone has to have their DNA recorded for identity purposes)

Yes ~~ & fingerprints. Don't know why it hasn't always been done, the same for everybody and then how could anybody object ~~ unless they were up to something dodgy?

AND, such a registry could have aided in such cases as OJ's.

Goddamn right! WAY past time we sheepishly gave the CIA, NSA, ATF, NSA, medical insurance companies, all the rest of the government agencies and private sector harpies and everyone else on the face of the earth unfettered access to our personal information !!

Go For It! An Orwellian faschist paradise - and long overdue.