The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138241   Message #3163746
Posted By: Bobert
01-Jun-11 - 11:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Pee smell not in carpet... It's in...
Subject: BS: Pee smell not in carpet... It's in...
...the vent for the air conditioner in the main flourier???

Yup, I have been assuming that it was in the carpet because you only smell it going up the steps... Ahhhhhh, kinda where the air from the blows???

This is worse, I think, than the carpet... It means that some critter has figured out how to get into the vent and set up a latrine in the vent work???

I'm going to talk with my HVAC guy and maybe get him to check it out...

No matter...

I learned a lot about cleaning pee from carpet... Maybe I should go pee down the steps as a test case for all the knowledge I now have...

Nah... Too busy for that... No, not the peein' part but the cleaning up... Sounds like a good winter project...
