The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138241   Message #3163802
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
01-Jun-11 - 01:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pee smell not in carpet... It's in...
Subject: RE: BS: Pee smell not in carpet... It's in...
Amos: "It may be from the actual concrete or timber UNDER the carpet."

He is correct, so to alleviate that, you'd need to use polyurethane under the carpet, directly over the sub-floor, to lock it in. Other than that,..and I've mentioned it before, 'Odo-Ban', too..about 10 bucks a gallon, and it lasts forever. You could be in a room, with a dozen people smoking cigars, pot, teasing a skunk, vomiting all over the place, and splashing diarrhea, on the furniture....when there is a knock on the's P-Vine and the cops, along with your local bishop......a couple of shots of that, from the spray bottle, and you would INSTANTLY be innocent!!!! They sell it at 'Sam's', hardware stores, and places like that...(I'm not sure about 'Cosco')....but once you've tried it, you'll always keep some on hand....just for such wondrous occasions! your case you could spray some directly on the floor, too...along with your armpits, and back of your underpants, where all those 'nicotine stains' are!!....AND for you, the best part of all....I don't think it's Republican!!!

Just shut up, and go get can sue me later!....but at least you can meet with your attorney, in your living room, without running him out!

Easy, cheap, and it works!!.......(if not, you can always put it on a government benefits program!)

Jeez....such boneheads!!

Regards to the Pisser!!