The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138241   Message #3164034
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
02-Jun-11 - 01:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Pee smell not in carpet... It's in...
Subject: RE: BS: Pee smell not in carpet... It's in...
Start farting in the ducts..then you'll have a full flavored homey aroma!!!

And BTW, the seller might have taken out an insurance on the house when they listed it. You're realtor would know about it. They, the insurance, would cover the cost of the correction....shit, get new carpets!..or ducts..or even a toilet with a wider mouth!...but the 'depends' you'd have to cover!

Now when I think of you, I'll remember P-Vine and the urine smell!..Its all relative!!