The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13943   Message #316439
Posted By: GospelPicker (inactive)
11-Oct-00 - 03:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Musical Etiquette 3:Tambourine vs. voice
Subject: RE: BS: Musical Etiquette 3:Tambourine vs. voice
I have friends who are absolutely dreadful musicians... here's a story about how the issue got settled for me once and for all.

My father has been an elder (deacon to some of you) in his church for 32 years... He is truly a man in love with the Lord Jesus Christ. One thing, though... Dad can't carry a tune with a handle attached, and he'll tell you as much. But the sound of his singing in church or elsewhere used to drive me crazy... monotone and droning... then I realized something... God is not concerned with the flashiness or expensivity of the opfferings we give Him, just that the offerings are sincere and purposed to glorify and honor Him. So Dad's singing is to glorify God... he only ever sings hymns and I know he is doing it to please and honor God. What i hear now is not the tonal quality or the pitch, it's the love. Anyone who makes a joyful noise because they are blessed with a deep love of music and singing or playing it should be welcomed with arms wide open... Pavarotti or not.

The only difference is when you are getting paid to perform... then, of course, quality counts... I would suggest to an out-of-key or off-rhythm person asking to join you on a paid gig to sit in for a song and see how it goes... if they turn out to be terrible, well, ask the audience to give them a big hand for being such a trooper and then go on by yourself. No feelings hurt, and the person gets to hear their name over the PA with the added fun of applause.

