The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1153 Message #3164902
Posted By: GUEST,Paul Burke
03-Jun-11 - 06:47 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Johnny Todd
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Johnny Todd
"...humming to himself the chorus of a song that used to be popular on the gabbarts, but is now gone out of date, like 'The Captain with the Whiskers Took a Sly Glance at Me'. You may have heard it thirty years ago, before the steam puffer came in to sweep the sailing smack from all the seas that lie between Bowling and Stornoway. It runs:
Young Munroe he took a notion For to sail across the sea, And he left his true love weeping, All alone on Greenock Quay."
From 'Para Handy, Master Mariner' by Neil Nunroe in 1906.