The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26207   Message #316562
Posted By: Jed at Work
11-Oct-00 - 05:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush/Gore Round 1, continued
Subject: RE: BS: Bush/Gore Round 1, continued
I have watched for media bias this year, and I must say I've been impressed with the attempts at impartiality - or at least balance. NBC running Rush Limbaugh interviews without trying to destroy him, former Democratic Committee Chairman Tim Russert taking Gore task on Meet the Press, stand out in mind as examples of things I never thought I'd see. Limbaugh acquitted himself well, and presented valid reasoned points-of-view. It was obvious that Katy found the whole thing distasteful, but the Limbaugh should have no complaints about the Today show appearances, on the whole. And Gore is being held, however gently, to task for his gaffs. We'll see how it goes, as the time grows short. Sound like the gloves are coming off. But the press has, it seems to me, tried to present opposing points-of-view.