The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138329   Message #3165881
Posted By: MartinRyan
06-Jun-11 - 07:18 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Clannad's 'Green fields of Gaoth Dobhair
Subject: Origins: Clannad's 'Green fields of Gaoth Dobhair
On their CD Fuaim Clannad sing a song called The Green Fields of Gaoth Dobhair which starts off:

Down past Dunlewey's bonny lakes
One morning I did stray...

Apparently (I haven't seen them) they say in the liner notes that the song was given to them by Cathal O'Baoill (a collector) and that they fitted it to "an old Derry air".

Can anyone flesh out the songs origins?


p.s. This is NOT Francie Mooney's Gleanntán Glas Gaoth Dobhair nor its English translation.