The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5516   Message #31668
Posted By: Barry Finn
29-Jun-98 - 09:21 PM
Thread Name: Loreena McKennit Music Scores
Subject: RE: Loreena McKennit Music Scores
You need not ignore it, a little tack would carry a lot more weight, you'd catch more bee's with honey. Signing would only be considered a sign of respect to the others & a courtesy, not a sign of influenced judgement, your opinion here is welcomed here no matter the content as long as it be civil. In the past some strictly trad folk(I include myself) voiced their fellings on the same subject & I miss their input of those that drifted away. I also feel very strong on this subject, I now only resond to what I consider folk/blues & pretty much leave the rest alone. It's about a year in passing since a full scale debate about this topic has passed, I do think the scales are tipping more & more away from what is folk/blues, but this is the call of the contributors (& thanks to Dick, Susan & Max this belongs to us all). It's been said here that if you feed strays they'll come back, it's true & it's your call to participate in what's worth responding to & leave the rest go by. There's been a steady increase in pop, country, rock, golden oldies, we've even touched in on rap, Mostly, I don't see much, in what I'd consider as harm being done unless this steady increase continues. I also see less of folk/blues on the fourm. Please don't hold back on your opinions or contributions, just be mindfull of the rest, (the screen shows less of what we mean & more of what we don't) the debate can last forever as to what should or shouldn't be here or what is & isn't folk/blues, this is a music site that's like none other & alot depends on the respect for each other, probably as much, if not more than the content. Most here can agree on some things, some here, on most things, none here, on all things & all here can agree on one thing, being here. Sorry for the ramble. Barry