The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138360   Message #3166852
Posted By: Donuel
07-Jun-11 - 10:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sexting and digital genitals
Subject: RE: BS: Sexting and digital genitals
John maybe the producer provided the gum he he

male emissions and female menses

The same? completely equivaent? identical?

never said that they were.

However they are both natural bodily functions.

As for Weiners wanker, if he inflicted its image upon some unsuspecting person who did not invite his wee wankeritude, then he is guilty of indecent exposure at the minimum.

Joe Offer that is a cheap shot linking me with drug use.
I don't believe that the idea of a Congressman masturbating is shocking. For Republicans to cry for his arrest and firing is hard to swallow.
Perhaps younger people are unaccustomed to speech about such a taboo as sex or masturbation (sub-sex) as well as older people no longer seeing the whole subject as such a big deal or mystical mystery.

Ms. lively, I feel no guilt whatsoever regarding you claim that one person killed themselves over internet masturbation jealousy. IT is a tragedy that no one could speak sense to him when he needed some.

For a person to divorce and commit suicide because their lover masturbated in whatever bizarre way they chose, seems most likely due to an immaturity and taboo silence surrounding the subject of sex combined with a lack of any sense of self worth.

To put it more eloquently, it sounds like a matter of worshipping the wrong thing person or idea. You see everyone worships. Even atheists worship.
Anthoney Weiner sounds like a guy who worshipped himself. It is said he behaves like a bully to his staff. His needs, his jollies is first and formost in his church of Weiner.

Other people might worship intellect and they will crumble when they are proven stupid or unaware. Some people may worship beauty and it will fade from day to day. Depending upon what you worship is how you either find yourself liberated or enslaved.