The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26366   Message #316719
Posted By: alison
11-Oct-00 - 09:24 PM
Thread Name: What would you tell a reporter about Mudcat
Subject: RE: What would you tell a reporter about Mudcat
Mudcat is a mine of information on all things musical.... but its more than that..... its a community where folks from all over the world can make great friends with people they have never met, but who share the same love of music.

As an Irish girl living in Australia... it helps me keep in touch with people large distances away, and to share our experiences and knowledge in a way that would otherwise not be possible.

through Mudcat I have heard of artists, tunes, songs etc, that I might otherwise never have encountered.

Its a great place to learn about music from a very friendly and caring bunch of people many of whom I am honoured to call friends....

slainte (Gaelige for "your good health")

alison boyd (Sydney, Australia)