The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138225 Message #3167237
Posted By: VirginiaTam
08-Jun-11 - 03:44 PM
Thread Name: Walton on the Naze Folk Festival
Subject: RE: Walton on the Naze Folk Festival
re "walton international folk song and dance"
I work for Essex County Council Heritage and Arts who works in tandem with ECC Cultural Diversity. I can put you in contact someone who can hook you up with Polish, Asian and African dance and music groups. He worked with Colchester last year on a Cultural Diversity festival held in Colchester Castle Gardens. It was very successful. They had bhangra dance lessons, drumming, tai chi, Morris, and song performances from local choral groups and individuals and some poetry reading.
Arts Development Team might suggest some recently formed community choirs and dance troupes. They certainly may be able to help direct you toward funding.
As for myself, I really like Morris and trad English song, but I am defo not a supporter of BNP. It is just my taste and that from a Southern Yank (what a contradiction in terms).
If not an international festival, perhaps one with a historical theme.
Could play on the whole seaside resort in Victorian times. Work with local schools to provide, artwork and performances. There are Victorian Societies who dress in period clothes and visit places as they do the Dickens festivals in Rochester. I am certain Essex Record Office has a wealth of material to feed into this and might do an exhibition of documents and photographs at the record office to help promote your festival. There may also be funding for going the heritage angle.
Once all is sussed I can add festival info to Essex Explore Culture website. Free promotion of the event. Wahey!