The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3167598
Posted By: Jim Carroll
09-Jun-11 - 08:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
You said:
"let us accept that this is a crime that the culture (not the religion) of the Pakistani community is largely responsible for."
Then you said (after fine tuning to slight:
"You said of Ake and me "you are suggesting that their culture inspires an inevitable predisposition to the grooming and abuse of underage girls,
Delete "inevitable" with "slight" and that, for me, is fair comment."
For someone who has admitted to ignorance of the subject, I'm at a loss how you are able to discuss degrees of cultural inclination, but let that pass.
If a culture is inclined to sexual abuse, slight or otherwise, as you have clearly said - twice, then any member of that culture falls under suspicion of that crime and cannot be trusted - why is this ridiculous?
Jim Carroll