The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40845   Message #3168342
Posted By: Nigel Parsons
10-Jun-11 - 07:56 AM
Thread Name: ADD: jamaican folk music
Subject: Lyr Add: Guinea War
Jamaican: trad

War oh, Guinea war oh, _ _ _ _
War oh, Guinea war oh, _ _ _ _
War oh, Guinea war oh, _ _ _
An' a wonda weh dem gawn Guinea war _ oh. _ _ _ _ _

According to the notes accompanying this song:
"This is a Kumina song. Kumina is a religious cult of African origin which still flourishes in some parts of Jamaica. The main drum beats a steady (semi-quaver, dotted quaver, semi-quaver, dotted quaver) rhythm (like the Scottish snap).
The dancing, which is most exciting to watch, is marked by a beautiful erect bearing, and hands, head and hips respond to the rhythm of the drums.
At first the children can drum or clap at points marked (Underscored), but later drumming or clapping can accompany the entire song."

"Brown gal in de Ring"
12 Jamaican Folk-Songs
Collected & arranged for schools by OLIVE LEWIN
Oxford University Press 1974
ISBN 0 19 330544 5

X: 1
T: Guinea War
M: 4/4
L: 1/4
O: Jamaica
Z: NP 10/06/2011
K: F
c2 AG/2A/2 | B2 E2 | z4 | B2 GF/2E/2 | F2 C2 | z4 |
c2 AG/2A/2 | B2 D2 | z2 z1G/2A/2 | B/2A/2G/2F/2 E c/2c/2 | A2 F2 | z4 |