The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3168356
Posted By: Jim Carroll
10-Jun-11 - 08:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"Will you now withdraw that baseless accusation against me, and if not, why not?"
To describe Pakistanis as culturally prone to paedophilia is blatent racist stereotyping, whether it came from, the pen of Martin Borman or was sung in three-part harmony by Paul Robeson, Martin Luther King and Frederick Douglas.
You have taken a tiny handful of examples in order to prove your case and have dragged it through this evil thread, over and over again and still have been unable to produce any proof whatsover to back up your racist claims.
You continually refer back to your 'experts' who, apart from the exception of Jack Straw, whose statement you sanitized with your blue pencil by removing the crux of his argument, are no experts in anything but their own tiny ponds. I suggest you look at Ahmed a little more closely, with his conviction for killing somebody while using a mobile phone while driving and his threat to invade parliament with 'thousands of Muslims'. Whatever the rights or wrongs of his case, (I certainly wouldn't disagree with his cause on that particular issue), he is no more than an off-the-wall politician (a highly trustworthy profession, no doubt!!!) offering a personal opinion based on no research and carrying no more weight than that of thousands of Muslims who found his ideas racist and who, unlike him, still live in these communities and have to bear the consequences of such statements.
You are a man on a mission to prove that Pakistanis are cultural perverts - which in my book makes you a racist of the worst kind.
You haven't even bothered to respond to the effects of your racist statemants would have on the Pakistani population in the obscure chance that they were ever to be taken seriously by anybody other than those racists who already embrace them - apart from first to deny you made them and then just to deny their possible effects.
In my book, by your own statements you are a racist and will remain so until you prove that;
A. You made the statements you did in a bout of drunkeness and you take it all back
B You show how describing a whole culture thus:
"let us accept that this is a crime that the culture (not the religion) of the Pakistani community is largely responsible for."
"You said of Ake and me "you are suggesting that their culture inspires an inevitable predisposition to the grooming and abuse of underage girls,
Delete "inevitable" with "slight" and that, for me, is fair comment"
is not racial stereotyping designed to inflict harm on a British immigrant community.
Jim Carroll