The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138256   Message #3168536
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
10-Jun-11 - 03:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Exercise + Declutter = power-June 2011
Subject: RE: BS: Exercise + Declutter = power-June 2011
The recycling can move elsewhere; it will have to to keep going. The building is a huge pile of debris. This location was not really adequate for all the traffic it generated. Really hope R can buy the property; it would be such an improvement.

The fire was major - four-alarm, 125 fire fighters, street blocked 24 hours - a major street. I saw the smoke - black billowing clouds of it - from miles away. The cause? A garbage ruck/recycling collector caught fire down the street a few blocks. Fire engine came and "put it out". Told driver he was good to go. He took his load to the depot and dumped it......

"WHAT A DIFFERENCE A DAY MAKES..." This morning dawned crisp and cool - 62F. Oh Joy. I feel human again. Another load ready to go and I started taking the skin off the shed. Put a load of clothes out to dry on a makeshift line. Now I am getting ready to see what else I can accomplish!

The yard sales last Saturday- (exploring means...). I wanted a small portable vac to clean up the hearth. They were on sale at Canadian Tire last week but i said, "Oh no, we'll find one at a yard sale..." And we did! It fits nicely in an enameled pot with lid, right on the hearth, that R got last month. I have wanted a clothes line in the city yard - one of the umbrella sort - same yard sale! And a small trash bin for the country - a step and it opens type - $1!

It is a total nuisance to be so weather sensitive but at least I no longer get dreadful weather headaches - green tea has eliminated them.

Andrea - what a neat find! A mystery to be solved!

Load car!