The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3168834
Posted By: MGM·Lion
11-Jun-11 - 06:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
Don T ~~ no, I can't; nor do I claim to be able to. I repeat that I am simply asking questions, not trying to supply answers. I find the fact of this regional over-representation alarming; and believe that no problem can be solved until its causes are established. As to what these causes may be, I have made one, very speculative {& by no means original with me}, suggestion as to a possible link with these young men's being dissatisfied with what their own community permits them in the way of pre-marital satisfactions in comparison with others of their age-group but of different demographics. That is all. Despite Jims' witty nomination of me for the post of fairy-godmother, I do not see it as any of my biz merely to echo what Keith sez, with not all of which I concur, naturally ~~ nor any of my function simply to echo what he may believe. He seems to me perfectly capable of taking care of himself. But I do feel he is not getting a fair hearing because of certain prejudices against him based on not-always- applicable to this instance comments he has made on other threads at other times; which IMO should have nothing to do with the present controversy.