The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26353   Message #316933
Posted By: Carlin
12-Oct-00 - 01:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bush/Gore Round 2
Subject: RE: BS: Bush/Gore Round 2
"Oh, but Bush REALLY impressed me with his mention of how he'd talk with the 'Israeli President' to help end the current violence in Palestine. As interesting as a chat with impotent figurehead Moshe Katsav might be, I bet he'd really rather talk with Prime Minister Ehud Barak..."

I suppose he could have said something really brilliant...oh like the Russians are not going to help see to it that there is a peaceful transition of power in Serbia (see Algore in the first debate)......that this would be a flat contradiction of the publicly announced position of the US State Dept. wouldn't matter I guess....not to mention at the very moment that Gore was uttering those words the Russians, Germans, and French were turning the screws to get rid of old Slobo....

Either he was taking a chance on screwing up all the diplomatic efforts to get rid of the 'Butcher of the Balkans' to score a few debating points....or else he is so far out of the loop he hasn't a clue what is happening in the administration he is a member of.....not that it matters to the average liberal mouth-breather.....