The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #1127   Message #3169351
Posted By: Reinhard
12-Jun-11 - 12:27 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Der Hohenfriedberger
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Der Hohenfriedberger
Better would be

Have no worries,
Colonel von Schwerin,
A Prussian Dragoon
does not flee, never!
And even if they'd stand
so close on Friedberg's height,
We'll ride them down
like spring snow.
Whether saber, whether canon,
whether small arms threaten us:

Stop, Ansbach Dragoons!
Stop, Ansbach-Bayreuth!
Wipe your saber
and leave the battle;
For all around
on Friedberg's heights
There's far and wide
no enemy to be seen any more.
And when our King calls
to the fore we are today: