The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136420   Message #3169445
Posted By: Stringsinger
12-Jun-11 - 03:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
Subject: RE: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
The way I see it, whether Obama gets in or not, the country is in trouble. Obama would have to do a one-hundred-eighty to get us out of the economic and political mess we're in. Obama has to have his billion to get re-elected and who is he going to get it from? (The initials are W-a-l-l S-t-r-e-e-t.)

The prognosis is that we will remain as a country into four wars, maybe more by the time the decade is over. This will bleed our economy further.

Unions will still be struggling for a voice.

Single-Payer insurance could have solved a lot of our health care problems but the insurance companies still remain in control.

Elizabeth Warren has been denied her central idea to help the consumer.

Jingoism and the fall-out of the Patriot Act will diminish our democratic freedoms.

Law enforcement has taken the side of Obama's dictatorial presidential powers.

In short, I don't think it really matters who is elected. It could change if Obama could become (not likely) an FDR president, acknowledge the new Depression, institute a WPA and a CCC, get another Ferdinand Pecora (Elizabeth Warren) to go after the corporations that do control the government today, put the kibosh on nuclear power, the Military Industrial Complex, the oxymoronic "Clean Coal",
gas "fracking" and support vigorous alternative energy sources and the idea that anyone's vote is going to help this along looks bleak.

When things get bad enough, we can hope that Americans and the rest of the world will rise up with people power, not corporate power.