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Thread #136420   Message #3169984
Posted By: Bill D
13-Jun-11 - 01:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
Subject: RE: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
Yesterday, Stringsinger said: "
In short, I don't think it really matters who is elected.

I am afraid I have to disagree. If ANY of the current crop of conservatives angling for the job were elected, you'd see wild attempts to run the country by vague slogans and appeals to fundamentalist "Christian values"...which means trampling of what rights we still have.

The presidency needs a human being who is educated, who 'thinks' and is versed in history and political theory... not just a Reaganite wannabe.

Much of the awkwardness this country finds itself in right now is directly traceable to the idiocy that went on under Bush... from stupid wars to the appointment of right-wing ideologues to the Supreme court to environmental disasters to deregulation of Wall Street and big business.....and more.

Much of Obama's 1st 2 years has been trying to UNdig some of the holes the previous administration got us into! And there is simply no way to do that easily, especially with no control of the House, and no 60% voting majority in the Senate.
The president does NOT just go out and 'create jobs', when big business is trying to boost profits by allowing more jobs to go overseas and laying off everyone it 'thinks' it can do without. Look at history...when FDR tried to end 'excessive spending' too early in 1937, prompting a sudden backsliding of the economy.

I simply don't see how the Republicans can keep selling "spending cuts" as a panacea when they blindly resist any plan to "increase income" by getting companies and the wealthy to **pay their fair share**.....I know WHY they do it: because their campaign contributions come FROM those sources.

Elect 'anyone' in 2012? Does the phrase "Cutting off your nose to spite your face" ring any bells?