The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127472   Message #3171785
Posted By: Bobert
16-Jun-11 - 10:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
I ain't got the time for no pudder right now... I livin' in a house with about 200 unpacked boxes and a wife wanting 500 plants planted yesterday... I livin' with a 1953 Spartanette trailer (my music studio) out back screaming to get blocked up and rewired and back up... I livin' with a pond about to go dry in 10 days if we don't get about 5 inches of rain (ain't gonna happen)... I livin' with the largest family reunion in history comin' at me 4th o' July...

But, I just took a few minutes off and wiggled my boney butt into the little area that I presently have carved out as my geetar space and asked myself, "What do I want to play (here) that I ain't never played before?"... Came up with an old Leo Kottke lick called something like "Machine #356" and hit it purdy good... Feel like Lightnin' Slim's "Nothin' But the Devil" before turnin' in and maybe Blind Lemon Jefferson's "One Kind Favor"...

BTW, for the record???

Having been born in the South, raised in the South, educated in the South and lived most of my life here in the South, the Tea Party is filled with ex-Klaners... You can take that to the bank!!!
