The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3171828
Posted By: Jim Carroll
17-Jun-11 - 03:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"I have seen no Barnados statement that refutes the over-rep."
Have you seen one that supports your claims that there is; I have seen no report that they have even been presented with the question of over representation - where it came up in Straw's statement they were among the protesters, as was CEOP                                                .
Barnardos postition on race:

"The recent media and political focus on race issues within sexual exploitation cases could put more children and young people at risk, according to the new chief executive of Barnardo's.
"From our experience, we know that in some areas ethnicity is a factor, but in many other areas it isn't," Anne Marie Carrie told Community Care. Carrie takes over this month from chief executive Martin Narey.
If you focus on one model of sexual exploitation, children who are being exploited in different circumstances won't see that it's an issue for them as well. Young people who need support won't come forward because they don't fit the model that's being presented The recent media and political focus on race issues within sexual exploitation cases could put more children and young people at risk, according to the new chief executive of Barnardo's."

Far from heeding their advice that race was a diversion in all this, you have attempted to distort and use their statement to back up your racist hatred, diverting the spotlight away from abused children and making it part of your racist crusade - you really must hate Pakistanis.
They have made none of the claims you describe, and were among the protesters at Straw's 'culture' statement'            

They said openly that race, far from being an answer, was a hinderence in the fight against child abuse; despite this open statement, you deliberately distort their position and continue to use Barnardos as a platform for your hatred.

By doing this you have, in your own little way, become part of the abuse yourself, using the victims as a means of getting across your message that Pakistanis are cultural perverts - two birds with one stone - about as low as you can sink, but fits perfectly into the slime-pit you have pretty well single-handedly managed to make this thread - and doeesn't it make all those crocodile tears part of the slime-flow they always were.
Despite the pleas of Barnardos, you continue to make this a race issue, thus doing your bit to prolong the suffering of abused children.
CEOP has not made its report; a bit of a waste of their time and resources really - you've provided them with all the answers they need here - and all without the effort and expense of gathering proof.
Interesting to see the mind of a fanatic in action and up close though!
Jim Carroll