The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138546   Message #3171984
Posted By: MGM·Lion
17-Jun-11 - 01:03 PM
Thread Name: Child Ballads about wars
Subject: RE: Child Ballads about wars
If they don't have to be Child ballads, then I should suggest starting with one of the variants of High Germany {"Oh cursed be these cruel wars..."}; or any of the myriad press gang and/or recruiting party songs ~~ Ratcliffe Highway, Arthur McBryde, On Board A 98; or any of the "Farewell, off to war" songs ~~ Banks of the Nile, Here's Adieu Sweet Lovely Nancy, Pretty Nancy Of Yarmouth, Pleasant & Delightful {without unfunny silly noises, preferably!}... &c &c &c ad inf~~~
