The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138538   Message #3172066
Posted By: Jack Campin
17-Jun-11 - 05:40 PM
Thread Name: Tune Req: Whistle tunes for two whistles
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Whistle tunes for two whistles
Here is an example of the almost-mechanical arrangement process I had in mind. Starting with a tune picked more or less at random (one I posted here in another thread) add voice labels to it:

T:Gleanntain Ghlas Ghaoth Dobhair
B:Eamonn Jordan, Whistle and Sing
[V:1] D |A> B c|A2 D |A2 A|A F D |C B, C|D2 D|D3-|D2
[V:1] A/B/|c A G|A2 B/c/|d2 c|A2 d/d/|c B A|G D E|C3-|C2
[V:1] c/c/|c A G|A B c |d2 c|A2 d |c B A|G D E|C3-|C2
[V:1] D/D/|A B c|A2 D |A F A|G F D |C B, C|D2 D|D3-|D2|]

Transpose it up so it's in a good range for D whistle (highest note A) and also transpose it down to get another part a sixth lower. Stick the two parts together to get a brainless instant chorale:

T:Gleanntain Ghlas Ghaoth Dobhair
B:Eamonn Jordan, Whistle and Sing
[V:1] A |e> f g|e2 A |e2 e|e c A |G F G|A2 A|A3-|A2
[V:2] C |G> A B|G2 C |G2 G|G E C |B, A, B,|C2 C|C3-|C2
[V:1] e/f/|g e d|e2 f/g/|a2 g|e2 a/a/|g f e|d A B|G3-|G2
[V:2] G/A/|B G F|G2 A/B/|c2 B|G2 c/c/|B A G|F C D|B,3-|B,2
[V:1] g/g/|g e d|e f g |a2 g|e2 a |g f e|d A B|G3-|G2
[V:2] B/B/|B G F|G A B |c2 B|G2 c |B A G|F C D|B,3-|B,2
[V:1] A/A/|e f g|e2 A |e c e|d c A |G F G|A2 A|A3-|A2|]
[V:2] C/C/|G A B|G2 C |G E G|F E C |B, A, B,|C2 C|C3-|C2|

Sounds basically okay, but the lower part's out of range on the whistle. So lift a few notes up, taking the alternatives from within the same chord we have at each moment (the process has produced a four-chord number, the chords are A, D, G and E minor):

T:Gleanntain Ghlas Ghaoth Dobhair
B:Eamonn Jordan, Whistle and Sing
[V:1] A |e> f g|e2 A |e2 e|e c A |G F G|A2 A|A3-|A2
[V:2] A |G> A B|G2 E |G2 G|G E E |D D D|E2 E|E3-|E2
[V:1] e/f/|g e d|e2 f/g/|a2 g|e2 a/a/|g f e|d A B|G3-|G2
[V:2] G/A/|B G F|G2 A/B/|c2 B|G2 c/c/|B A G|F E D|D3-|D2
[V:1] g/g/|g e d|e f g |a2 g|e2 a |g f e|d A B|G3-|G2
[V:2] B/B/|B G F|G A B |c2 B|G2 c |B A G|F E D|D3-|D2
[V:1] A/A/|e f g|e2 A |e c e|d c A |G F G|A2 A|A3-|A2|
[V:2] E |G A B|G2 E |G E G|F E D |D D D|E2 E|E3-|E2|]

Done. You could make the rhythm more varied between the parts if you want.