The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3172243
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
18-Jun-11 - 06:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"""The sexual exploitation of children cannot "be simplified along ethnic lines", the head of the child protection agency said today.
Peter Davies was announcing that the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (Ceop) centre is to investigate "on-street" grooming, leading to abuse and exploitation.
He said: "Child sexual exploitation is not exclusive to any single culture, community, race or religion - it cuts across all communities. Neither can it be simplified along ethnic lines where the victims constitute one ethnicity and offenders another."

Seems conclusive enough, and comes from one who has at his fingertips all the relevant data.

Keith, of course will continue to believe his so-called "sources", since he has never been one to let the facts get in the way of his culturally biased theories.

""The quote acknowledges that ethnicity is an issue, at least in "high profile cases." ""

This is the weakest comment yet. The only high profile cases are the group of cases upon which you based your original skewed theory, and those are the ones involving British Pakistanis.

My hat is off to you. The heads of CEOP and Barnado's are diametrically opposed to your point of view, having between them infinitely more experience than you and your "sources" added together, and you still produce the perfect circular argument to defend the indefensible.

Don T.