The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127472   Message #3172508
Posted By: pdq
18-Jun-11 - 04:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
"...he {Obama}violated the War Powers Act, which requires him to come to Congress within 60 days for approval once initiating hostilities and we also say in the suit that even though the president had the approval of NATO and had the approval of the UN Security Counsel, those two institutions to do not trump the United States Constitution in the fact that the president has to come back and get approval." ~ Kucinich

George Bush and George W. Bush went before Congress at least four times to get our military actions approved. Both gave truthful information and followed the law.

Lyndon Johnson went to Congress with a completely bogus incident in the Gulf of Tonkin to have his pissing contest with Uncle Ho approved.

Slick Willie tried to bomb Serbia back to the Stone Age without Congressional approval. In fact, Clinton ordered the bombing of seven nations, all done with questionable legal standing.

There seems to be a pattern here when it comes to Democrats and Republican following the law. Carter, I believe, avoided the problem by having no discernable foreign military policy.