The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26376   Message #317327
Posted By: Jed at Work
12-Oct-00 - 12:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: George Bush, next president
Subject: RE: BS: George Bush, next president
Make mine a guinness, since the cyber world is the only one in which I can drink alcohol (tri-glyceride issue, booze is poison to me, sadly), I might even have two, since you're buying! ;-)

It seems to me that the US has taken this election more seriously then ones in the recent past. We've heard more issues then most can understand (the devil is ALWAYS in the details when it comes to issues, and therefore our discussions about them can't really go beyond philosophy and sound bites). Anyone who cares to notice will have seen and heard plenty from each major candidate, and if they wanted to look further, from all candidates.

For me, stated philosophies, recent record, political alliances, expressed views, presentation skills, body language and what they say when speaking extemporaneously (yes even in the guarded situations of staged debates) gives me plenty of information to make a decision. We have two well qualified, intelligent, well supported choices as our major candidates for this job. All the hateful talk and cynicism by us and other voters not withstanding. I will cast my vote, and I will hope for a victory for my candidate - but I am sure that either man will make an honorable president, and either will do his honest best to do the job well. I am much philosphically aligned with one then other, but I will honor the position no matter who gets elected.