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Thread #136420   Message #3173982
Posted By: Little Hawk
21-Jun-11 - 01:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
Subject: RE: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
I don't call it a "conspiracy". That's just melodramatic. I call it a way of doing business. They are simply doing business in the usual way they are accustomed to, and that involves financing political parties, influencing elections and legislation, and seeing that the business and banking elite's interests are well served. It's not just an American phenomenon, it happens everywhere. It's not a conspiracy, it's a way of life that has built up over the last few hundreds of years. The richest people run the show. It's worse in some countries than it is in the USA. In Mexico, for example, there are probably about 20 or 30 very rich families that basically run the country and own most of it too. They ensure that every government serves their interests, and their interests are not those of the general public, needless to say.

If a president were to attempt to genuinely confront the business elite and radically reverse what has been happening for a very long time now, I wouldn't want to be his life insurance provider.

Anway, I'm gonna go cut the lawn now. I need the exercise. And it's a matter that is within my real circle of power, right? ;-) What we're talking about here is not.