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Thread #136420   Message #3174029
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
21-Jun-11 - 02:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
Subject: RE: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
From: pdq - PM
Date: 21 Jun 11 - 01:26 PM

There is a myth that studious, sincere Middle Class people study each candidate carefully and vote for the most qualified and capable ones.

That is pure bunk. People vote for their special interest groups and for the people who promise them what they want.

>>>The GOP in the last 6 national elections promised to cut the deficit while decreasing taxes, while not messing with Medicare. Certainly NO sincere Middle Class people studied them carefully before voting for them."<<<

95% of Blacks voted for Obama because he is Black.

>>> About the same percentage voted for Clinton. A high percentage voted for Carter and Kerry. They aren't black.<<<<

Many people believe that free health care is a birthright and they vote for Democrats.

>>> Its the Tea Party supporters that say "Take your grubby government hands off my Medicare! (certainly a lot of sincere Middle Class thought going into that sentiment.) I say that Single payer would be cheaper for everyone and equal of better Health Care for 90%. But I am an actual conservative. Not one of you CINO's.<<<

Mexicans want amnesty for their people and unlimited immigration. They also vote for Democrats.

>>> Everyone wants better immigration laws. Changes will be impossible as long as the corporations and Business people have such a big sway at the top of both parties. What the Mexican American and other Hispanics don't like it the hypocritical demonizing of their cousins by the GOP.<<<

The unions give over 97% of their political contributions to Democrats and get the government they pay for. Democrats, essentially, sit down beside unions and fight against business. They also run most goverment entities and give unions boys whatever they can. The taxpayers are the losers here.

>>>Tax payers also lose when Defense contractors, Corn companies and energy companies get no bid contracts and corporate welfare.<<<<

Republicans largely represent White folks, sincere Christians and the dwindling Middle Class.

>>>>Your bigotry really seems to shine through here. Republicans represent money, and con others into voting for them. Urban white folks are more represented by Democrats, and Black Southern Baptists and Hispanic Catholics are as sincere as any other Christians in this country and GOP "pro business" policies have done more than any other factor to erode the "Middle Class" the size of the middle class has always depended upon the number of people able to enter it from below.<<<

Probably no way a Republican can ever live in the White House again unless there is a huge re-alignment such as happened in the election of 1932.

>>>Here is the good news for you. Of course a Republican can get into the White House. All he or she has to do is con as many people as Bush did.<<<