The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3174321
Posted By: Jim Carroll
22-Jun-11 - 03:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
You continually refuse to take responsibility for your own postings .
Question - do you believe that British Pakistani culture in any way contributes to these crimes as stated here?

"There is lots of other dreadful crime for which other groups are responsible, but let us accept that this is a crime that the culture (not the religion) of the Pakistani community is largely responsible for."

Who put this statement on this thread if not you, and if you don't believe it, why put it up in the terms that you have?
Nowhere have you indicated that this is a quote from elsewhere - your words entirely.
"How do you explain the massive over-rep."
To date, there is no convincing evidence of "massive over-rep" - show us where there is - that is your interpretation alone.
Your rag-bag of anecdotal and circumstantial 'evidence' and personal opinions do not in any way merit the description 'convincing' especially when they are accompanied by your claims of cultural degeneracy.
I and others have been saying this from the beginning; the fact that you have chosen to ignore it is typical of the way you have behaved on this thread.
Even Mike, who has supported you throughout this, makes no such outrageous claims of "massive" anything.
If next weeks release produces such evidence then we may have something to talk about, but the early reports, such as that in the Times, indicate no such claims.
Having said that, I have suggested that - and I reproduce what I have written and repeated several times over:

"We know two things for certain about them (British Pakistanis);
a. That they are four times more likely to be harassed, persecuted and assaulted, thanks to the endemic nature of racism in Britain – look it up.
b. That they are almost certainly the most impoverished of all the social groups in Britain (with one possible exception) – look it up.
The outcome of both of these facts are (a) that they have been forced to move into ghetto-like communities, largely for self-protection.
(b) The places they have settled in are low-priced and run-down, with sub-standard housing and poor general amenities, in areas of high unemployment and low spending power and political influence– Thatcher's legacy to the North of England.
The politicians who created these holes and continue to allow them to exist without improvement, including ex Home Secretaries like Jack Straw, have made few attempts to change conditions for the better in these places and have only shown an interest at election times or when certain events attract wider attention and become an embarrassment"

Again, you have chosen to ignore this and claim we have not answered your question - we have - you (conveniently and typically) haven't been listening.
I certainly don't believe this to be the sole reason, I very much doubt if there is a single cause, and even if there was, I don't know of anybody who has done the work to enable them to reach a conclusion, certainly nobody here.
My suggestions go some way to explaining the different situations in the impoverished communities in the North and those more prosperous ones in the south - a fact that drives a double-decker bus through your suggestion that Pakistani culture contibutes in any way to these crimes.
Whatever the results of the survey which will be revealed next week, thanks to your landslide attacks on the British Pakistani people and their culture (five pages-worth reproduced earlier in this thread) and the despicably vindictive and dishonest way you have made them, your contribution here will in no way have added to our understanding of the situation and, as the Barnardos statement made plain, is far more likely to have added to the suffering of abused children because it has been made in total and self-confesssed ignorance, and with an agenda.
"and how do you know, with such certainty, that it is not due to attitudes to women and marriage practice?"
I don't; neither do you; neither of us are qualified to make such a judgement but it is you that has put it up as a statement, not me.
Jim Carroll