The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122842   Message #3174415
Posted By: GUEST,Silkie.
22-Jun-11 - 07:07 AM
Thread Name: Liverpool Folk Club 1970
Subject: RE: Liverpool Folk Club 1970
I've just been catching up on the posts and I can't work out how I can remember all these people and places from the past when I can't be sure what I did yesterday.
I wandered into the Greenmoose in 1964 and although Brian and I finally let it go in the mid 70's I'm not sure I ever left the place.

Funny Maggie remebering the Chinese Ghost because I heard him more than once, the first time was before I even knew the place was supposed to be haunted, He was known as "Lui Chan" and the story was that He was a Chinese cook caught being naughty with the bosses wife the boss took a meat cleaver to him which was a bit drastic but it did put an end to the affair.
There was more than one attempt to "catch" him generally after a night of excess in Mabel's but brave hearts fail as the alcohol wears off and for all we know he's still haunting the place.

I keep seeing people asking about Lennie, He's alive and well and can generally be found at the Everyman folk club every Tuesday. However as the Everyman club is moving to the "Fly in the Loaf" aka Kirklands and will be on Wednesdays from late August he will doubtless be there as well.

Regards to All. xx