The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138595   Message #3175089
Posted By: The Sandman
23-Jun-11 - 06:14 AM
Thread Name: Peter Kennedy's Folktrax recordings
Subject: RE: Peter Kennedy's Folktrax recordings
Good points, Mike.
as regards peoples behaviour, people have the potential to have both good and bad qualities, there is a valid argument that if someone is paid enough they do not have to behave in an undignified or deceitful manner, I would like to think that Peter might have fallen into that category.
most people would like to be remembered favourably and I am sure Peter would have wanted to be remembered for his better rather than his worst side.
unfortunately our system CAPATILISM and its partner in crime Consumerism ,often encourages the worst in people, it encourages people to be greedy and concerned with only their own material desires and needs, rather than treating other people in the way that the person might want to be treated himself