The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138595   Message #3175115
Posted By: The Sandman
23-Jun-11 - 06:59 AM
Thread Name: Peter Kennedy's Folktrax recordings
Subject: RE: Peter Kennedy's Folktrax recordings
"He also recorded at least one programme I made for Radio 2 off air and put it up for sale in the Folktrax catalogue. Perhaps I should have claimed "a royalty" for this, but he didn't choose to contact me about it."
interesting, it rather confirms my suspicions, that his bootlegging of The Bald Headed End Of The Broom, was not at that time just for Private Study, and that the Private Study bit was added later, and like Georgina I was never contacted.
for People like Martin Graebe and Greg Stephens and Derek Schofield, to say this is ok morally beggars belief, it is not ok morally and this sort of behaviour on the folk scene needs to be eradicated along with dodgy promoters , have all those people that paid up front to go to Pickering festival been reimbursed?