The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136420   Message #3175420
Posted By: pdq
23-Jun-11 - 06:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
Subject: RE: BS: 2012 Presidential Election
In the next four year presidential cycle, two events will occur.

China's economy will pass that of the US and they will never look back. Their place as world leader will include their calling the shots everywhere in the world in economics and politics.

Social Security will go broke. Last year it paid out 47 billion more than it took in, he first defecit spending by SS ever. Problem is, we have fewer than four workers paying into the system now, but FDR had over 40 people to tap for each recipient.

Too bad the rabid FDR fans have absolutely no objectivity concerning their hero. He was flawed like everyone and many of his attempts to fix problems actually made the problems worse.

About starting WWII, the US was building 2-story barracks all over the US by 1938. Perhaps 1937. I have been in them at Ft. Lewis, Camp Roberts, Ft. Knox and Ft. Sam Houston. All are made to the exact same plans and, nationwide, they provided enough human storage space to get us through the inevitable war.

Conscription started in ernest in early 1940, long before Pearl Harbor. The 12 million people drafted from 1940-1945 sure lowered FDR's unemployment figures.

FDR had unemployment between 15% and 25% from his first day in office until the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. His attempt to fix the problem through extreme government spending may made thing a little better, but not like the boom times of 2003-2007 unemployment dropped near 4% at times.

No doubt about it, FDR was a public relations genius. No other president has come close.