The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138595   Message #3175596
Posted By: GUEST,Nebucanezzar Bumblechook
24-Jun-11 - 03:59 AM
Thread Name: Peter Kennedy's Folktrax recordings
Subject: RE: Peter Kennedy's Folktrax recordings
A posting I made a couple of days ago never made it into this discussion - maybe I hit a wrong key at the end.
I found available on Folktraxs several CDs of recordings made by Alan Lomax in Scotland, copies given to Peter Kennedy offered for sale available as 'co-recorded' by him though documentation says he was hundreds of miles away at the time. Some of these I recently learned were copies of BBC recordings [not by Peter Kennedy] that Lomax had made. One other Lomax only track is I understand despite polite protests still to be included in the current Kennedy series.
I have never understood how some collectors can claim all royalties. They are of course owed for use of their recording, and then yes a slice of the little pie for their effort in collecting. The rest of the pie notionally has to be shared out to the singer of the song, the maker of the song or if that person is not known the person the singer got it from, and on down the line, the financial proportion for each to be varied according to how much editorial and creative input each participant has added / subtracted / amended.
The fact that none of the above can in sanity be done is one of the many fine arguments for a national fund that 'trad' royalties should be paid into, to be used to support / preserve / celebrate / promote our traditions.