The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #26203   Message #317574
Posted By: Áine
12-Oct-00 - 06:39 PM
Thread Name: Song Challenge! Part 42
Subject: RE: SONG CHALLENGE! Part 42
I love it, Naemanson! I just love it! Here's your Silver B.L.O.B. for these unforgettable lines:

In France the Sanglochon rampage through the pools and yards,
Rooting through the gardens and building up their lard,
The pigs they root, the pigs they loot,
But the French with guns the pigs they shoot.
And they cook, cook, cook,

Cook, Cook, Cook,
The French they cook all day,
Making sausages chops and hams,
To keep the threat at bay.

You've inspired me, my darlin' Naemanson -- Now, can somebody send me an MP3 of a song that has the lines:

Give me some men,
Who are stout hearted men...

I've got an idea for a parody, but I can't remember all of the tune . . . bemused, beguiled and befuddled that I am at the moment ;-)

-- Áine