The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3176572
Posted By: Jim Carroll
26-Jun-11 - 04:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"I was agreeing with you, perhaps going too far to find common ground."
WHAT!!!! Utter bloody nonsense.
You have accused ALL (not some, not a few... ALL) Pakistanis of having a "genetic implant"; we responded to what YOU said, not the other way round. It is your opinion and it is racist stereotyping which involves the whole culture and would put them all under suspicion if it were to be taken seriously - it is a small-minded, nasty attack on an ethnic group who have enough to put up with without all this shit.
"Please quote Vaz or anyone denying an over-rep or a cultural explanation."
Why - you don't take notice of what people say unless it fits your own preconceptions - you show me who has suggested MASSIVE over-representation - that is your opinion and yours alone (on this thread anyway - easy enough to find in racist literature.)
"Instead of debating,"
You have had your debate from everybody (the majority) who has opposed you on this thread and you've ignored the points made, then accused people of not making any - now you are whining about being described as racist - THE POINTS HAVE BEEN MADE - READ THEM AND ADDRESS THEM INSTEAD OF SKULKING BEHIND CAREFULLY SELECTED (And misquoted) EXPERTS.
There is nothing more cowardly than defending arguments with "It must be true - somebody told me" - which is the whole basis of your defence of your misrepresentations and gross overstatements.
Explain how your "ALL PAKISTANIS" is not a racist statement.
"Enough about me."
Once again - it's not about you; a perfect example of how you totally ignore what people have said.
"The report will not be saying why any group is over-represented"
You mean they will not be claiming a "genetic implant" and you will be alone in your wisdom - again?
Can you predict whether they will be giving us a "massive" over-representation
This is becoming pathetic - again - answer some questions instead of trying to wriggle off your hook.
Jim Carroll