The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127472   Message #3177507
Posted By: Bobert
27-Jun-11 - 09:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
The Tea Party folks are quoting her because the Koch brothers and Dick Armey are injecting Rand into the Tea Party... I'd bet you that 99% of the Tea Party folks never heard of her until the last year...

Actually, lots of folks who aren't Tea Party puppets probably hadn't heard of Ayn Rand either...

But the next move for the Koch/Armey folks is to try to do what rich people have tried to do for 60 years and that is us "Starve the beast" to kill the "New Deal"... The Tea Partiers are just pawns in a gme they have absolutely no understanding and in the end will hurt them and their children... Much like Hitler used the "brown shirts"... Ignorant pawns... Nothing more, nothing less...

I feel sorry for the folks here in Mudburg who have become ignorant pawns of people who couldn't give a flying fuck about them... This is a much larger game that is so far over the Tea Partiers heads that it is pathetic...

"Oh, gee, Ralph... How did all this occur???"

It occurred be cause stupid people were, ahhhhh, stupid... That how Hitler came to power and that is the same game plan for the Koch brothers, Rupert Muldock & Dick Armey...

They have one mission and one mission only: Kill the New Deal!!! No other mission is on their plate!!!
