The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #127472   Message #3177857
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
28-Jun-11 - 01:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Subject: RE: BS: The Tea Party a Terrorist Organization??
Don Firth: ".....but something like Nessun Dorma from Puccini's "Turandot" is totally inappropriate for her voice on a couple of counts. First, it was written for a tenor (the part of CalĂ f in the opera), and second, it is not a very easy aria to sing, even for a full-voiced tenor (signature piece for Luciano Pavarotti). I did notice, however, that she sang a much abbreviated version of it."

Personally, I thought her performance of 'Nessun Dorma' was not only phenomenal, it was a downright 'historic'!! Did you notice the expression on her face, after completing the last note??!!..Somewhere between ecstatic, and emotional, as if she just had just had the best EMOTIONALLY orgasmic sex of a lifetime and gave birth..all at the same time!...and offered it to her beloved! (Now I know she is a minor, and nothing more should be read into my prior statement, other than the 'emotional' part..and how she gave it her all!
That being said, I know Pavarotti had this piece as his signature piece, even did a movie about it('Yes Giorgio!')...and i loved when he sang it....BUT THAT performance that Jackie did, grabbed me far more than Luciano's. I've listened to it several times since recording it off the PBS special, on our large flat screen, as late as yesterday...and holy shit, I get choked up toward the final notes!! Jackie is just plain GIFTED, and like you, I really hope she does not get exploited, abused or messed with...or fall into the crap Charlotte Church fell into.
I'd be interested in your thoughts about her performance, if you'd care to share more of much as we go 'round and round', I would appreciate YOUR thoughts in regard to this. I had several, that I thought about, that may be of interest....or at least a thoughtful exchange with you!

Bobert, The tone of your last posts were getting easier to put up with and digest....don't forget to comment on the posts that Sawzaw wanted you to comment on, as with mine.
