The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138805   Message #3177972
Posted By: YorkshireYankee
28-Jun-11 - 06:05 PM
Thread Name: It's Danny Boy... but not as we know it
Subject: ADD: London Derriere (alternate parody)
Got the idea for this after hearing someone introduce the tune (a.k.a. Londonderry Air) at a folk club a few weeks ago
and decided I just had to give it a go... hope folks enjoy it.

Notes: It is written/sung in "Franglais"; "La Manche" is the French name for the English Channel.

(Vikki Appleton Fielden)

When ah was young, Ah left mah 'ome in gay Pah-ree
Ah crossed La Manche, to leeve in Angleterre
To mah soorpreeze, zee lovely girls of London
Are tres gentilles, and belles beyond compare

So when Ah go to bed mah Rose Anglai-seh
Oh voulez-vous accompahny me zair?
For zough j'adore les jolies filles Francai-seh
Zair's nossing cahn soorpass a London derriere!

New words (c) copyright 2011 by Vikki Appleton Fielden