The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #135090   Message #3178149
Posted By: Jim Carroll
29-Jun-11 - 04:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Muslim prejudice
Subject: RE: BS: Muslim prejudice
"you suddenly have nothing to say."
There really is no point Keith.
Whenever you are challenged you refuse to take responsibility for your statements and blame them on somebody else.
Your statements are racist because it is racist to depict "all male Pakistani Muslims" as having "a culturally implanted tendency".
Wheoever else may have said this (the fascist press is full of such statements)| - you have said it here, it is your opinion, it is racial stereotyping of the Pakistani Muslim culture, it is a racist opininion supported by you.
Whoever puts forward such a statement without providing proof to back it up (that all male British Pakistanis are culturally inclined towards paedophelia), without knowledge (as you have freely admitted) and without proof (which you have not provided) is guilty of making a racist statement.
Generalising on a whole community's culture in this way is extremely dangerous and has led to the discrimination, persecution and even death - again - ask the parents of Stephen Lawrence if you doubt it.
"suddenly have nothing to say."
I suggest you count the number of people who have participated in this thread, have argued with you and now have "nothing to say", not because you have won your argument but because you do not listen to others - something that has been obvious on every thread I have been involved with you on, and a constant complaint of other participants.
Prove your point (that all male British Pakistanis are culturally inclined towards paedophelia), not with the argument that it must be true because such-and-such-a-person said it, but with facts you have gathered and with knowledge of your own.
For every 'expert' who has supported the idea in the examples you have provided, there are hundreds with on-the-spot experence and a claim to 'expertise' who have objected to it as 'racist'.
Jim Carroll